Lynnfield Admin replied

545 weeks ago


This thread is not for full rotation class macros, this is about useful macros for dungeon, party, raid organization and efficiency. I suggest you use them, it's good for everyone. Let me know if you have a good one to add here, I'll be updating it.

Auto Mark Enemies 1,2

/mk attack1 <t>
/wait 1
/ac "Target Forward" <t>
/mk attack2 <t>

Ps. 2 is the best number, you probably won't need more than it. Get in range, select your first target and hit it, it will mark the first and second one. The third will be the non-marked(s). DPS PLEASE follow the numbers.

Simple Pull Timer

/party <se.7> Prepare to Fight: <t>
/wait 1
/party <se.6>
/wait 1
/party <se.5>
/wait 1
/party <se.4>
/wait 1
/party <se.3>
/wait 1
/party <se.2>
/wait 1
/party <se.1> Pulling: <t>

Ps. Every MMORPG raid player knows you have to do and respect this, to get everyone attention and make sure they are ready when the fight starts. If we are getting big, we should use it.

The Perfect Sleep Combo

/macroicon "Fluid Aura"
/mk off
/wait 1
/mk "Ignore1" <t>
/ac "Fluid Aura" <t>
/wait 2
/ac "Repose" <t>

Ps. On each enemy pulls you can choose the last marked enemies like 3, 2 or even the non-marked enemies, get melee range and use it. This will mark, push and sleep. There is no need to spam chat since you are already marking it. Make sure that you are pushing it away so the tank or dps won't hit it and cancel sleep. Also make sure your tank can handle a few seconds without healings. DO NOT EVER push number 1, if the tank cant reach he cant take hate back or melees do dps.

last edited 545 weeks ago by Lynnfield
"I don't usually use a sword. But when I do, it's a fucking awesome limit break."

Lee Oswald Admin replied

545 weeks ago

0.5 does not work in macros, it is rounded up to 1.

Lynnfield Admin replied

545 weeks ago

wait 1 it is, thanks lee.
"I don't usually use a sword. But when I do, it's a fucking awesome limit break."

Echo Boom Admin replied

541 weeks ago

So here's a list of commands for the game so far if you havent already know its from the Lodestone

Battle Commands
/action, /ac
USAGE: /action "action name" "PC name"
Uses an action on the specified PC.
Uses current target when not specified.
This cannot be used with actions you have not yet learned, or when restricted by other factors.
/petaction, /pac
USAGE: /petaction "pet action name" "PC name"
Uses a pet action on the specified PC.
Uses current target when not specified.
This cannot be used with pet actions you have not yet learned, or when restricted by other factors.
/companionaction, /cac
USAGE: /companionaction "companion action name"
Uses a companion action. The target of companion actions cannot be specified.
This cannot be used with companion actions you have not yet learned, or when restricted by other factors.
/battlemode, /bm
USAGE: /battlemode [subcommand]
Toggle between active and passive mode.

on - Switch to active mode.
off - Switch to passive mode.
Toggle between active and passive mode when no subcommand is specified.
/target, /ta
USAGE: /target "PC name"
Targets the specified PC.
Target must be within a certain radius for this command to function.
/targetpc, /tpc
USAGE: /targetpc
Targets the closest PC within a certain radius.
/targetnpc, /tnpc
USAGE: /targetnpc
Targets the closest NPC within a certain radius.
/targetenemy, /tenemy
USAGE: /targetenemy
Targets the closest enemy within a certain radius.
/battletarget, /bt
USAGE: /battletarget
Targets the closest enemy within a certain radius that is attacking you.
/assist, /as
USAGE: /assist "PC name"
Targets the target of another PC. (A target must be specified.)
Assists current target when not specified.
/facetarget, /ft
USAGE: /facetarget
Immediately turns your PC in the direction of your current target.
/nexttarget, /nt
USAGE: /nexttarget
Toggle clockwise through on-screen enemies.
/previoustarget, /pt
USAGE: /previoustarget
Toggle counter-clockwise through on-screen enemies.
/targetlasttarget, /tlt
USAGE: /targetlasttarget
Re-target your last target.
/targetlastenemy, /tle
USAGE: /targetlastenemy
Re-target the last enemy you targeted.
/lockon, /lo
USAGE: /lockon [subcommand]
Lock on/off current target.

on - Enable lock on.
off - Disable lock on.
Toggle between on/off when no subcommand is specified.
USAGE: /focustarget "PC name"
Makes the specified PC your focus target.
Makes current target your focus target when none specified.
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